Chalcedony is said to make you more reflective while maintaining an objective, constructive perspective. This combination will allow you to be more self assured and better able to find the confidence to make positive changes in your life.
Chalcedony's energies are soothing and stabilizing. They enhance mental stability, promoting inner peace and emotional honesty. Chalcedony is also said to dispel the negative energies that manifest as anger.
Traditionally, chalcedony has been used to eliminate negative influences that can cause bad dreams. This stone is also an aid to openness in communications. It can help you to verbalize your feelings and express your needs.
Chalcedony is a cleansing stone. It is said to promote the rapid healing of open sores. This cleansing quality is so strong that chalcedony needn't be cleaned after such use. It absorbs and dissipates the negative energies so they are not passed on.
Healers include chalcedony in their healing kits because of this strong protective property. Chalcedony's healing energies are said to benefit the eyes, gall bladder, blood, bones, spleen, and circulatory system.
Traditionally, chalcedony has been used to eliminate negative influences that can cause bad dreams.
Chalcedony and synergy:
This stone is a good choice for those born during The Moon of Long Nights - (23 Nov - 21 Dec). Those born during this time of the year can benefit from chalcedony's ability to make communication easier. Chalcedony also can help you see things in a more objective light, allowing those born during this time to better benefit from their introspective natures.
Chalcedony is well suited to those born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.
Properties of Quartz
Other Types of Quartz:
The information contained in this website is the personal perspective of this site's author. Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but crystals and stones have been used for centuries. This would seem to indicate not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. Always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker if you suspect you have a serious problem. The information provided in this section is not intended to replace your doctor.