Amber, which is fossilized pine tree sap, is ancient like an antique from previous history. Demand is especially strong for amber with insects inside. "Amber is like a time capsule made and placed in the earth by nature herself," said David Federman, author of Consumer Guide to Colored Gemstones. "It has helped paleontologists reconstruct life on earth in its primal phases. More than 1,000 extinct species of insects have been identified in amber."
The two main sources of amber on the market today are the Baltic states and the Dominican Republic. Amber from the Baltic states is older, and therefore preferred on the market, but amber from the Dominican Republic is more likely to have insect inclusions. Prices of amber can range from $20 to $40,000 or more.
Fortunately for new amber enthusiasts, amber from the Baltic states is more available on the market than in previous years due to the liberalization of the economies of eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The largest mine in the Baltic region is in Russia, west of Kaliningrad. Baltic amber is also found in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Russia, and occasionally washed up on the shores of the Baltic Sea as far away as Denmark, Norway, and England. Other amber sources include Myanmar (formerly Burma), Lebanon, Sicily, Mexico, Romania, Germany, and Canada.
Metaphysically, amber allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy. It emits a sunny and bright soothing energy, which helps to calm nerves and to enliven your disposition. Amber provides an energy to instill the realization and subsequent response of choice, helping you to choose and be chosen. It has been used as a symbol for renewal of marriage vows and to assure promises. It has also been said to bring good luck to warriors.
Properties of Amber
The information contained in this website is the personal perspective of this site's author. Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but crystals and stones have been used for centuries. This would seem to indicate not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. Always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker if you suspect you have a serious problem. The information provided in this section is not intended to replace your doctor.