Moonstone is used to alleviate emotional tension. It develops the "feminine" side of your nature, your intuition. It stimulates confidence and composure. The energy of Moonstone sustains and supports while promoting growth and supplementing energy. It is a stone for "feeling" and understanding via intuition and emotional "thoughts" rather than by intellectual reasoning. It brings flashes or insight, stimulating intuitive recognition and helps you to apply the intuitive knowledge in a practical sense. It also enhances perception. In India Moonstone is still a sacred gem. East Indian tradition holds Moonstone is a symbol of the Third Eye and clarifies spiritual understanding.
Moonstone's energies are soothing and nurturing. They can help calm and prevent over-reactions to personal situations that involve the emotions.
Moonstone's energies are feminine in nature. They can help us all become more sensitive and loving. The subtle energies of moonstone can help to open and cleanse your heart. They are soothing and healing to the mind, emotions, and body.
Although moonstone is seen as a feminine influence, it can also help balance the male and female aspects of yourself. This makes moonstone a good choice for men too because many men could benefit from being more sensitive and better able to express love.
In India, moonstone is considered sacred. It is said to bring good fortune, but, more importantly, it is seen as a tool to promote spiritual enlightenment. Moonstone can help you become more intuitive. It can also boost psychic ability.
Moonstone has a powerful effect on women's menstrual cycles. Women are cautioned about wearing or carrying moonstone at times of the full moon or when they are menstruating.
Moonstone and synergy:
Moonstone is a good choice for those born during The Moon of Flowering - (21 May -20 Jun). This is the time to extend your perceptions beyond your senses and explore intuition, and those born during this time can benefit from this influence.
Moonstone is a good choice for those born under the zodiac sign of Gemini.
Properties of Moonstone
The information contained in this website is the personal perspective of this site's author. Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but crystals and stones have been used for centuries. This would seem to indicate not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. Always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker if you suspect you have a serious problem. The information provided in this section is not intended to replace your doctor.