Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is associated with the anchoring energies of the earth. This association makes smoky quartz a good choice for those wanting to gain a deeper appreciation of nature or a greater concern for the environment.
Smoky quartz is said to benefit the lower torso, especially the sexual organs, kidneys, abdomen, and pancreas. Some healers use it to treat kidney disease, menstrual cramps and fertility. Its subtle energies are also soothing to the heart and nervous system.
The energies of this crystal are more subtle than those of clear quartz, so its influence is more gradual. Smoky quartz can neutralize negative energies, but its slow working nature makes it more suited for situations where caution is called for or where gradual changes are desired.
Smoky quartz is a good crystal for gazing. Meditations using this crystal as a focus can lead to "hidden" secrets being revealed. It aids one in meditation by clearing worries and emotional blockages. It is a grounding and protective stone.
Smoky Quartz and synergy:
Smoky quartz, like clear quartz, is a universal stone. It is well suited to people born at any time of the year.
Smoky Quartz is said to alleviate stress and transform fear, anger and other negative emotions into positive energies, thus having a comforting and calming effect. It is also said to provide clarity of thought, improve intuition and enhance survival instincts, and to stimulate higher awareness in meditative states.
Smoky quartz is said to increase fertility, to help remove toxins from the body, and to aid the proper functioning of the kidneys, adrenals, pancreas and sex organs.
The astrological signs of smoky quartz are Capricorn and Sagittarius.
Properties of Quartz
Other Types of Quartz:
The information contained in this website is the personal perspective of this site's author. Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but crystals and stones have been used for centuries. This would seem to indicate not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. Always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker if you suspect you have a serious problem. The information provided in this section is not intended to replace your doctor.