Cat's House Rules
Cat's House is a private dungeon in the home of SinfulCat. It is located in a neighborhood setting so you are asked to dress discreetly as you come to the door. The house is divided into social areas (the living room, kitchen and back porch), play areas (the Mistress' chambers, dungeon, my husband's room and -- sometimes -- the dining room), and neutral areas (the hallway, the bedroom in which the coats and toys are deposited, and the bathrooms). Please keep the conversation limited and quiet in the play areas and hallway as it can interfere with ongoing scenes. There are five cats living here. While the sound of floggers generally chases them out of the house, if you are allergic to the little darlings, please bring your pills. This is a mixed energy social and play party. There will be music, plenty of munchies and nice people here. While some equipment is available (a spanking bench, a St Andrew's cross, a Salem stocks, and various types of restraints, floggers and other toys), you are encouraged to bring your own toy bag if you plan to play. Interested people with all levels of BDSM experience are welcome at Cat's House. All play is voluntary and consensual. Everyone attending the party will be subject to the rules of Cat's House (listed below). Cover charges for this party: Singles -- $15 Couples -- $25 Triads -- $35 All guests must meet me prior to attending the party, be sponsored by a Dungeon Monitor, or be a member of Janus, Petruchio or Threshold. ID will be required at the door. Guests will be asked to sign confidentiality/liability waivers. "Surprise" guests will not be allowed into the party. Please RSVP by Friday, July 10 -- party attendance is limited to 45 guests. When RSVPing, tell me the names of all the people in your party. If you know someone who wishes to attend and did not receive an invitation, have them call or email me for an invitation. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO GIVE THE ADDRESS OR DIRECTIONS TO THIS PARTY TO ANYONE. If you RSVP then find you can't make it to the party, please email me to free your spot for another person to attend. To RSVP, please email Lady Cat at [email protected], or call at (916) 362-0855. If you need directions to Cat's House, please tell me where you're coming from. Rules of Cat's House: 1) You must be 18 years old age or older to attend any event at Cat's House. 2) If you have any questions or concerns during the party, speak to the Hostess or the designated Dungeon Monitors. The Hostess has final say in all matters. 3) Use safewords. The party safeword is "RED." If you call out "RED" the Dungeon Monitors and other experienced players will come to your aid. Everyone at this party should use this word as a call for assistance from outside your scene. Don't misuse or abuse this call for help. Though "RED" is the designated safeword, "NO" means "NO." 4) Do not touch another person or their property without permission from them. 5) No drugs or alcohol may be brought, consumed or used at the party. Do not engage in any illegal activities at this party. 6) Never attempt to join scenes in progress without prior permission. 7) Respect the space and deposit trash in appropriate containers. 8) Respect those playing. No loud, social or distracting conversations near people playing. 9) Respect those waiting to play. Scenes lasting over 45 minutes or so are discouraged. If you need more time for a scene you plan, please talk to one of the Dungeon Monitors first. 10) No blood, wax, loud, dangerous, disruptive, breath control, urine or unusually messy play scenes allowed. Play partners will not be left alone during a scene unless the Top first notifies a Dungeon Monitor of the need to do so. 11) Safer sex and cleaning supplies are available in the Dungeon and the Mistress' Chambers. Clean up after your scene. Be sure not to contaminate other areas of the party with body fluids or other residue from your play. 12) Smoking is allowed in the back yard. No nudity or play is allowed outside the house. Please keep your voices down so as not to disturb the neighbors. 13) This party and all BDSM related events taking place at Cat's House are private and confidential. By attending, you are agreeing to refrain from divulging the identities and activities of any of the party-goers to any non- attendees. The Hostess reserves the right to refuse entrance to anyone or ask anyone to leave if they appear intoxicated, potentially harmful to themselves or others, ignore these rules or engage in unsafe or non-consensual behavior of any kind.
11/02/98 |