The Healing Energy of the Earth
Blue Topaz

Tiger Eye

Lapis Lazuli
Rose Quartz


Title 6


Moonstone is used to alleviate emotional tension. It develops the "feminine" side of your nature, your intuition. It stimulates confidence and composure. The energy of Moonstone sustains and supports while promoting growth and supplementing energy. It is a stone for "feeling" and understanding via intuition and emotional "thoughts" rather than by intellectual reasoning. It brings flashes or insight, stimulating intuitive recognition and helps you to apply the intuitive knowledge in a practical sense. It also enhances perception.  

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This stone is used to banish grief and enhance self-control, encourage happiness and good fortune. It is an excellent stone to use too, for centering and alignment of the total person with higher powers. It furthers the awareness of the instincts, helping you see and feel the guidance. It promotes the recognition of personal strengths and assisting you in the understanding of the reality of the moment. It helps you to become the master of you own domain.  

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The is known as a "Stone of Health". A stimulating stone to monitor and adjust the flow of energy, providing for a balanced energy field. The energies of the garnet help to amplify the functions of the emotions and the intellect. It produces an energy which is predisposed to discourage chaotic, disruptive, and disorganized growth. It emits an energy which can be used to stabilize and produce order within the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual systems. It can be used to bring order to chaos.



This is a stone of spirituality and contentment. Excellent to impart peacefulness to the wearer. It clears the aura and stabilizes any dysfunctional energy in the body. Amethyst also bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace. It is also a stone of meditation as it is excellent in conducting the energy of calm and peacefulness to enter and maintain the state. It controls temperament by imparting a calming influence while clearing away unproductive vibrations. It has, since ancient times, been used to encourage sobriety.


Blue Topaz

This is known as a stone of true love and success in all endeavors. It promotes individuality and creativity while providing for confidence in trusting your own decisions. It acts to replace negativity with love and joyfulness. This mineral is instrumental in visualization for healing and/or attracting in mediation and in projection. This beautiful blue stone can stimulate the throat chakra so you can more easily say what it is that you want to communicate.  



Hematite can be called a stone for the mind. It helps you clarify things in your mind and can be used for mental attunement, memory enhancement, original thinking and technical knowledge. It assists in mathematical pursuits. It can be used to stimulate the desire for, and to facilitate the attainment of peace, self-control, and inner happiness. It is also conductive to enabling you enter into a loving relationship. It has been said to attract "kind" love.  

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This is one of the two minerals on the planet which does not hold and accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transforms it. It illuminates the energy of the root chakra, delivering both comfort and optimism. This soft yellow stone promotes a radiance from within your self, culminating in a happy disposition. It brightens even the darkest corners of your reality, and helps you to laugh without restraint. It has a positive influence in education, business pursuits and interpersonal relationships.  

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The pearl symbolizes purity, faith, charity, and innocence. It is also known to enhance personal integrity. It provided a clean channel to receive spiritual guidance. The pearl has been known as a "Stone of Sincerity", bringing truth to situations and loyalty to a cause. It has been used to inhibit boisterous behavior. It allows you to see yourself as others see you.  

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This mineral produces an energy which is predisposed to discourage chaotic, disruptive, and disorganized growth. It emits an energy which can be used to stabilize and produce order within the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual systems. It brings order out of chaos. It increases the ability the concentrate, balancing the positive and negative relationship of the mind. Flourite helps you to see both reality and truth behind illusion. It encourages and sustains the ideal of health, intellect, and emotional well-being.  

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This soft green stone is used to bring openness in matters of love and relationships. It is an excellent healing stone used to strengthen and regenerate the body. It can be used to cleanse and stimulate the heart and solar plexus chakra, bringing openness and acceptance in the intellectual pursuit of matters of love and relationships. It can be used to magnify the inner aspects of any situation. It also furthers the understanding of those changes which are occurring in your life and assists you in the recognition of negative patterns.  

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Tiger Eye

This stone contains solar energy. This helps with the psychic process which involve the solar plexus chakra - promoting intuitive impressions. Therefore, it can be used to enhance the psychic abilities. It is helpful for individuals seeking clarity and for those who must deal intelligently with scattered details which must be brought together into some pattern. Tiger Eye can help you become practical as well as more grounded. It has been used to stimulate wealth and to enhance the stability to maintain wealth.

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This is an excellent stone for spiritual attunement, for healing and cleansing of both the energy centers and the physical body, and for providing protection. Turquoise is a healer of the spirit, giving a soothing energy and bringing peace of mind. It acts to induce wisdom and understanding, and to enhance trust and kindness. It is said to promote spontaneity in issues of romance and to stimulate the initiation of love. It also provides for a bit of an increase in your psychic powers, and can help you to develop your natural powers.


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This stone awakens your inherent talents and abilities. It is said to give you courage, protects against envy, fear, and rage. It can also be used to help banish sorrow. Carnelian stimulates inquisitiveness and subsequent initiative. It can assist in drama and in pursuits related to theatrical presentations. The ancient races favored this stone highly.  

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Also called Heliotrope, is a dark green Jasper with traces of red and yellow running through it. This is an intense healing stone and a "Stone of Courage". It helps to improve your talents and abilities, to enhance creative efforts, and support the decision making processes. It can be used to access the principles of mysticism, providing insight into the immediate spiritual intuition of truths. It is said to give prophetic powers to the wearer and to preserve you from deception and all bodily harm. It grants you abundant renewal, for renewal of the physical, mental, and emotional.  It is one of the birthstones for March along with Aquamarine.

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Tourmaline is used to attract inspiration, diminish fear by promoting understanding and encourage self-confidence. It acts to clear, maintain and to stimulate each of the energy centers of the body. Tourmaline has been used to stimulate balance between the left and right sides of the brain to enhance cooperative efforts in creativity and healing. It balances the male/female energies with in your body; it further provides balancing of the mind, of the energy centers and of the auric body inducing the alignment of the mind and the chakras.

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Lapis Lazuli

Lapis is a "stone of total awareness", helping to expand your awareness and intellectual capacity. It allows for your conscious understanding of the intuitive and psychic aspects of your nature. It helps to overcome depression and enhances the states of serenity and self acceptance. It is said to bring cheer to the user and bring success in relationships. It has also been used as a protective stone, sheltering the wearer from physical danger and psychic attacks. It assists in balancing the yin-yang energies. 


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Rose Quartz

This is known as a stone of *gentle love*, bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships. This translucent pink stone emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self-love. It brings clarity to the emotions and restores the mind to harmony after chaotic or crisis situations. It can be used for spiritual attunement to the energy of love. It helps when dealing with heartbreak and childhood pain. 

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This beautiful violet stone helps to release discord from your life. It is useful for the stimulation of visions. It further enables you to enjoy each moment and to awaken your inner knowledge. It is a major stone for use in healing and during guided meditations. The energy enables you to understand and facilitate the acceptance of responsibility to yourself, which leads to excellence in your endeavors and in the management of money. Iolite can help you to attain a constitution that defies physical disorders. 

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Also know as Spectralite, this shimmering stone encourages patience; it assists in changes, attracting strength and perseverance. The energy of labradorite helps transformation of intuition into action helping you put your thoughts into deeds. It is a true celestial stone, symbolizing the moon - helping you to advance and a stone of the sun - giving you vitality for your "self" during transitions.

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This rich green stone represents fidelity in love and friendship. Also, it stimulates intuitive and instinctive reasoning, allowing for change which facilitates advancement. It is an excellent stone for clarifying the emotions and for allowing for both the recognition and release of negative experiences which you cannot recall. It helps clear and activate the chakras, to put you on the path to your desired goal. It can be used as a protective stone.

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One of the basic properties of opal is the amplification of your own traits and characteristics. It allows for true and spontaneous actions, enhancing that which you are feeling and allowing for the release of inhibitions. It can be used to strengthen your memory and to instill faithfulness and loyalty in love, personal affiliations, and business relationships. This mineral has been used to awaken both the psychic and the mystical qualities that you have within.

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Amber is a fossilized resin. It allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy. It emits a sunny and bright soothing energy, which helps to calm nerves and to enliven your disposition. Amber provides an energy to instill the realization and subsequent response of choice, helping you to choose and be chosen. It has been used as a symbol for renewal of marriage vows and to assure promises. It has also been said to bring good luck to warriors.

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