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So what's a ClitHugger™?

A ClitHugger™ is a slender metal clip that slides down over the inner set of labia lips, pressing against the clitoris.  It's worn snugly against the body and the stimulation comes from the increased pressure of the labia on the clitoris.  It's perfectly comfortable to wear and a whole lot of fun to put on.

Click Here for a quick visual of a ClitHugger being worn.

You can get this type of jewelry at any old adult toy store but those are PLASTIC and soon lose their sheen.  We use high quality chains and Czech beads and crystals to create one-of-a-kind ornaments to add to the clips themselves.  

You'll sparkle when you walk, dazzle your audience when displayed, and turn yourself and your lover on with a ClitHugger™.  

We make these ClitHuggers™ by hand and to order, so choose your style and color and get ready to WOW! 'em!  Remember, we make ClitHuggers™ to match almost every style of nipple jewelry and nipple chains we carry.  (To order matching sets, see the listing in the Nipple Jewelry Catalog.)  $19.99

Here are some examples of ClitHuggers™ we've made and sold.

Custom ClitHugger™

Custom ClitHugger™

Your choice of colors and metals.  Tassels (as shown) also available.

Item# CH1001- $19.99


Custom Crystal ClitHugger™

Elegant Czech fire polished crystals with silver or gold tassel - $19.99

Item# CH1006 - $19.99


Updated: 01/06/05
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